Wednesday, December 19, 2012

First Post!

Well, here we go...after being a bit of an online "lurker", especially when it comes to blogs, I'm now taking the plunge and following through on one of my Teacher Professional Growth Plan goals for this year in starting this blog.

(For those of you outside Alberta, a Teacher Professional Growth Plan, intimately known in teaching circles in AB as "TPGP's", are an annual requirement for all Alberta teachers)

My goal with this blog is to share my thoughts, opinions and comments on a range of topics, but mainly in the area of Health and Physical Education as these are my areas of passion and the focus of my current work.

I'm looking forward to this journey and the learning and opportunities that I know it will provide.  Thanks for reading and please do share your thoughts and comments!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mark ... well done ... it's amazing the different ways we find to communicate with people ... this blog came to my attention via Twitter ... I'm a lurker there!
    Sara Peden
